Contact us

Your comments are always important to us. If you have been looking for something in particular that you have not been able to find, then send us an image (if you have one) of what you're looking for and we will either try to find something similar or advise you on sensible alternatives. The Oriental rug industry is bound by tradition in both production methods and design, however, it is a dynamic and changing industry. The Afghan market has evolved largely through intermiadiates in Pakistan who encountoured these weavers and helped many displaced people establish their trade on the borders influencing design and colours that were necessary for the international market place. So it is always worth asking a question even when the answer may not be obvious, we're here to help.

Get In Touch!

If you need some help, or are uncertain about a product, then why not contact us by phone, email or social media. We will do our best to get back to you within 24 hours.

Jennings Rugs, 10 Church Street, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 5PA

Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Saturday: 10am - 17:30 hrs
Closed: Sundays and Mondays.